For another thing, at times a discourse title may contain a cognitive reference point that provides access to a target conceptual domain beyond the discourse. 二是标题有时可以超越语篇宏观结构产生指向篇章外概念实体的参照点效应。
He reconstructs administrative power. He applies his discourse theory to the administrative domain and attempts to get the late capitalist welfare state out of predicament of administration. 哈贝马斯对行政权力进行了重构,他将话语理论运用于行政领域,试图使晚期资本主义福利国家走出行政的困境。
Political News is often official discourse and is influenced by domain ideologies, so it can affect and control people's cognition directly or indirectly and remains a significant factor in the formation of people's ideologies and attitudes. 政治新闻通常来自官方,并受到占统治地位的意识形态的影响,因此它直接或间接地影响并控制着人们的思维,对人们的态度和意识的形成具有重要作用。
Hypothesis 2: Any concept has its own discourse domain. 假设2:任何概念都有论域。
Nowadays a macro economic discourse has infiltrated into every domain of social life, and transformed the concepts of love and marriage. 当前经济话语渗入了社会生活的各个层面,对爱情和婚姻观念产生双重影响。
The emergence of public discourse is based on the relative independence and dichotomy between the private sphere and the public domain of individuals, and subject to dialogues and communications among social subjects. 公共话语的形成以人的私人生活与公共生活领域的相对独立与区分为前提,以社会活动主体广泛的对话与交往为条件。
Before 1960s, linguists as a whole had paid little attention to it, but the popularity of functionalism and discourse analysis afterwards has gradually turned it into a subject of interest in the domain of linguistics. 语言学界整体而言对体裁较少关注。然而,二十世纪六十年代以来,随着功能主义和话语分析的兴起,体裁日益成为语言学家的兴趣所在。